miss hyunjung teacher~

조회수 972 2006-08-21 13:18:40

Hi It's been a while to write a question here.
Even if you don't remember, I know you cause I'm studying Desperate house wives~
I was so busy so I could's attend online study, but i'm back here.
I'm so glad I came back to jfkn. I'm gonna study so hard and funny.
This is the best way to improve English!!! Beautiful~~

I am talkative;;

About the drama on fourteenth of August, I've got some question.

1. In first sentence, I heard "all" between "What's this about". As I heard,it sounded " What's all this about"

2. When Danielle told to bree, she said "----as long as I have my own bathroom
 Wow!! It was so hard to catch 'my own'

3. "Six weeks in suburban jungle, and this is all you got?"
     in this sentence, 'got' sounded 'get'. With meaning, I could understand why there has to be 'got' but I sounded 'get'. I thought 'got' is nomally 갓, but I was differnt.

4. " Not if you tell him there's nothing here to find."
   Why isn't there comma or dot between not and if?" I thought 'not if' is new phrase I should study newly.

5. This question is the most difficult one I couldn't understand.
 "Great! this will keep the crab dip warm, it took forever to shell the little buggers, but it'll worth it. You shelled your own crabs?"
I tried to understand with translation, but it was simple so I need direct transtlation each phrase...and..Isn't 'dip' sauce ? ^^;;;

plz answer me !!!! and If you find any problems with my question writing in English, correct them. I would appreciate it.
I will look forward to seeing you soon!!