실종된 남편을 찾아서
조회수 1235
2009-02-09 12:43:50
First, though, to those new leads tied to the disappearance of Olivia Newton John’s ex.
Here’s Dateline’s Keith Molson.
June 30th, 2005, Los Angeles, California,
a charter fishing boat called the Freedom
left for an overnight trip with 23 sport fishermen aboard.
One of them was this man. Patrick Kim McDermott.
세 번째 단락입니다.
June 30th, 2005, Los Angeles, California 부분에서
30th of 2005로 들리네요.
맞는지 모르겠네요.
30th, 2005와
30th of 2005의 의미상의 차이가 있나요?
또 한주가 시작 됐네요.
알찬 한주 보내봐요~~^^